Friday, July 5, 2013

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  • Johnny Bob Beaird Book came and I cant put it down. We knew so many of the same people. I went to Sanger Ave elem. aka the silk sock sissies. And was totally oblivious to your world. Makes me sad. And I have questions. Like. What do you know about the builders of the Oneal house. I had ancestors out that way in the 1800's. also have you figured out Sironia Tx. Im trying to read it.
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  • Sharon Lewis Mayhugh I read my copy in two days. What a fascinating story. it is really true that living near and attending those "north Waco schools" maybe twenty minutes from South Waco placed us in a world so different than the world where you grew up Tony. Our paths cr...See More
  • Tony Castro Thank you, Johnny Bob.... My first real exposure outside Gurley Elementary and to kids from North Waco was the cotillion that my dad's boss' daughter operated. She had several kids there from Sanger. When you meet someone in that kind of environment, you don't judge on the same basis as if you were meeting them in most places where kids hang out. So I didn't see myself differently from the way I saw myself with kids at Gurley. That was never really the problem. The problem, as it were, was when you brought adults into the equation, as I point out in the book... Re the O'Neal house. I'll go back through my notes. Patricia gave me what she knew about the house a couple of years ago, and I don't immediately remember if that included the builders...
  • Tony Castro Re Sironia, Tx. I read it in junior high. One of my teachers at South Junior, Harold Purvis, loaned me his two volume set and later gave them to me. It was a fascinating read, a bit long and possibly self indulgent (but that's all of us!), and it made you wake up about your hometown. Mr. Purvis had a chart of which fictional family or character was which in real life. They didn't mean anything to me then. I've been rereading it, though, for background on a book set in Waco in the Roaring 20s.
  • Tony Castro Thank you for your kind thoughts, Sharon. In junior high I actually became acquainted with a number of kids from North Waco and the LaVega schools through the Baylor Children's Theater, youth baseball, TABBY bowling at the Westview Lanes, and interscholastic league comps -- debate, speech, number sense (talk about a dated talent!). I would also meet quite a few at the public library, where I spent a lot of time...
  • Tony Castro Johnny Bob, I'm curious about your thoughts on the Madison Cooper novel as well. Post them here, and think about posting a review on Amazon.